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The Fujita Scale Defined
Their Version:
Used to rate the intensity of a tornado by examining the damage caused by the tornado after it has passed over a man-made structure.

Our Version:
In the case of the Mercury Twister line of snowmobiles, this same scale is used to rate the intensity of a twister by examining the damage caused after it has passed over a phenomenom created by Mother Nature, snow.

New Project-1976 Soo 500 Merc
Wednesday December 19, 2012
Soo 500 replica Next on the table will be a loose interpretation of the Soo sled Mercury Racing won with in 1976. Click the image to go to the build section and check back often for new images of the progress.
Monday March 14, 2011
This is a 65-70mph pass, top speed so far is 80mph registered on a SpeedChek. The weather ruined my playground (lake) early and with a little snowfall lately, I was finally able to get out and tweak.
Sunday February 06, 2011
Around 50 miles logged on the IFS MERC project. This sled was constructed of a 71 Panther tunnel, reproduction fiberglass & seat, homemade bulkhead and independent front suspension with Fox Float shocks. The rear skid is bits and pieces from a Merc and 90's Arctic Cat. The type 470 rotax spins a Trail-Twister track through Arctic clutches.
A Couple Images Added
Wednesday October 07, 2009
Merc Racing Bob Mendlesky, formerly of Mercury Racing, forwarded a couple of nice images to share. Click on the image to go to the 1975 and 76 race season images or click on "image one" or "image two".
A Mercury/Ski Doo reunion of sorts
Friday August 15, 2003
Merc I was lucky enough to get to rub elbows with the crew from the days of racing that fascinates me the most. Click here to jump to some images of a MERC reunion held near Crandon, WI on August 10th.
A new F2 added also.
Mercury Sno-Twister Racing
Saturday April 20, 2002
Merc Racing A big THANKS to Mr. Doug Hayes and family for allowing me to share these pictures with you. Doug spent a few hours one evening doing some story telling so I could also include some information to go along with the images. Click on the image to go to the new Mercury Sno-Twister Racing page.
Radar Report
Tuesday April 02, 2002
Now That's a Twister!! This is a weather radar snapshot from the last time Perry was seen out drag racing his Trail Twister on Lake Metonga!! Would ya look at the hook he whipped up that day!!

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